Category: Uncategorized

27th September 2010

True colours

Filed under: Uncategorized - 27 Sep 2010

Some colours seem to have a strong emotional effect on me. So strong that I can’t imagine wearing red or driving a green car.

Bond. By 1965, the James Bond marketing …

18th April 2010

Belfast Psychotherapy

Filed under: Uncategorized - 18 Apr 2010

Some counselling, tea and sympathy from a reformed Belfast hardman.

(Actually, this is Belfast, so don’t expect sympathy   -and the tea’s extra).

The Last Word

Filed under: Uncategorized - 18 Apr 2010

On being reawakened, I was aware of travelling in a shocktrain as it flashed past the numberless nutripharms of what might well have been the new Muungano province. Never sure how long I’d been in suspenshun, I quickly checked the …


Filed under: Uncategorized - 18 Apr 2010

I tapped twice on my forearm and the control patch appeared. Once I selected ‘mymood’ the soot took on a sombre dark blue shade with scrolling pinstripes. I’d started the day feeling buoyant but now my heart was literally on …

Entropy and me

Filed under: Uncategorized - 18 Apr 2010

Since childhood, I’ve always been overly concerned not to allow anything entrusted to me to be damaged.

When I first saw a micrograph of the surface of a polished mirror, it was a revelation. What the hell were all those ridges …


Filed under: Uncategorized - 18 Apr 2010

An elevator in a big city bank, professional home to Mr Zertnbacker: Venture Capitalist. He looks like an elephant seal in a sweaty, striped shirt and paisley tie under a Jermyn St three- piece suit(e).

Mr Z’s uninvited visitor is Erwin: …

Walk a mile in my shoes

Filed under: Uncategorized - 18 Apr 2010

I wasn’t born with oddly shaped feet. They just grew that way. It’s not actually the shape that’s so weird. It’s the aspect ratio of roughly 1.0 (which corresponds to HHH you’ve-got-to-be-joking ultrawide fitting). This would be hard enough to …


Filed under: Uncategorized - 18 Apr 2010

Just like a real, grown-up professional organisation (with nothing better to do) we have devised this disclaimer to support our policy of risk avoidance, buck passing and lawyer enrichment. It is supplied free in every one of our internal and …

No smoke without fire

Filed under: Uncategorized - 18 Apr 2010

Being in the spotlight of accusation is not a state that anybody relishes. There’s always some suspicion of guilt, even in the mind of the genuinely innocent. It occurred to me that I’ve been accused of many things -and I’ve …

General Interest section

Filed under: Uncategorized - 18 Apr 2010

I really only ever get to look closely at magazines on three types of occasion (That’s not counting a free, furtive flickthrough on railway station platforms during the odd eon between trains).

The first is at Christmas when I splash out …

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